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Brussels, Belgium- May 2024, European Lime Association Sets Course for the Future with a Manifesto for the 2024-2029 European Parliament Legislative Term
The European Lime Association has unveiled its vision for the next five years with the release of a manifesto outlining key areas of focus for the sector. This forward-looking document highlights the industry’s commitment to decarbonation, innovation, and continued growth.
Lime is a cornerstone material for countless applications, from construction and steel production to environmental protection and agriculture.
The manifesto outlines four key priorities for the lime industry:
The lime industry plays an important role in the global economy, and this manifesto signifies its commitment to a net zero economy. By focusing on sustainability, innovation, and collaboration, the industry aims to secure its future while contributing to a greener tomorrow. Together we can build a sustainable future!
Read and download EuLA’s Manifesto:
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