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In an environment of moderate economic growth, the lime industry experienced a period of intense challenges. Safety should be first! The lime industry, aware of the importance of safety at work, has initiated with the support of its members, a dedicated mission on safety placing the ”safety first” in any industrial activity. This specific task integrates an exchange of best practices, a seminar on leadership and finally the commitment by the companies to reach a ’zero harm’ target as soon as possible.
The regulatory challenges remained however present during this period. After the publication of the revised post 2020 EU ETS Directive, the secondary implementing regulation keeps the Secretariat and the sector busy. The inclusion of lime in the Carbon Leakage List acknowledges the fragility of the industry to carbon leakage. EuLA is taking part in the process by actively participating in the Expert Groups on Climate Change and the Innovation Fund. The update of the benchmark values will be the item of utmost importance at that stage. The effort remains on the implementing measures to be finalised by 2020 to provide the companies with the necessary certainty and predictability to operate.
The European Commission with its communication of ’A clean planet for all’, set the scene and sent a strong signal to the world on the way policies will evolve in the coming years in the field of climate change. The net zero vision as presented, requires a radical transformation of the lime industry, as is the case for all energy intensives ones We are asked to think differently, act differently, and go beyond business as usual. EuLA actively participates to the work that the European Commission has initiated in cooperation with the HLG on the energy-intensive industries to unfold the communication and create a Transformation Master Plan for the industry to reach the target which is considered feasible. It will define the basis of the industry requirements and needs to achieve the net zero vision. In parallel, the EuLA Board has imitated strategic AHG to reflect on the ways to support this work and confirm areas where the lime industry could work together.
This transformation pathway will require bringing existing technology innovation towards maturity and also it won’t happen without breakthrough innovation.
Furthermore, this is a year of change. The EU and several national elections may change the political scene as it stands today in Europe. Their results will undoubtedly influence the face of Europe and its priorities. By October this year, a new Parliament and a new European Commission will be in place with the challenge for the organisations to renew and
reconstitute their networks.
All those achievements were possible, thanks to the continuous support of the members and the valuable contributions of the industry experts. They constitute the strength and knowledge tank of the association. We would also like to thank the Board, members for the guidance and the EuLA/IMA-Europe Secretariat staff for their continuous support along the year. The EuLA Secretariat will continue to highlight the crucial importance of lime in the EU economy as an essential enabling material in several industrial value chains. The association will continue to support its members’ associations to their objectives and ensure fair and predictable framework conditions at EU level to operate in a safe, sustainable and profitable manner.
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