Policy Position

EuLA (2016) Views of the lime industry on carbon capture and re-use (CCU)

Sep 01, 2023

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For the lime industry, due to the high share of CO2 emissions coming from the decarbonation of the raw material (68% on average), the most important CO2 mitigation measures are “end of pipe” solutions: CCS, CCU and carbonation.

However, the 2009 EU ETS Directive does not fully recognise the capture and re-use of CO2, as well as the “carbonation” of lime, where CO2 is naturally re-captured during the use phase of the product containing lime.

EuLA has conducted LCAs (Life Cycle Analysis) of lime in different applications. These studies have shown that:

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  • Carbonation is an integral part of lime functionality (hardening) during the use phase in different applications;
  • Lime products act as natural sponge for CO2 absorption.


Furthermore, under the rules of the 2009 EU ETS Directive, the CO2 that is recaptured during the production of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) is considered as “emitted”, although it is permanently bound into the material.

Finally, CO2 from lime production could be re-used in various projects such as 3rd generation biofuels and energy storage.

This is why EuLA calls for:

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  • The inclusion of carbon capture and re-use under the “innovation fund” proposed within the revision of the EU ETS;
  • The recognition of “carbonation” during the life cycle of the product
  • The promotion of investment in the long term towards solutions allowing the re-use of CO2, and more broadly, of all greenhouse gases. This would imply:
    • To reinforce the economic attractiveness of these captured greenhouse gases;
    • To adapt the monitoring and reporting rules to ensure that the greenhouse gases captured and effectively re-used are not considered as emitted.

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